
We pride ourselves on transparent pricing

Ordering subscriptions now will lock in pricing as it is.

Monthly - Cancel anytime - PRE DEC24

Orange Cross


Buy on subscription


Full functionality and features as they come available.  

This is available for those not sure of their need.  You will be given a login and some documentation to guide on how to use the system.     If you want a full setup and then just stay on the plan you will need to agree to the setup cost which is another product.

For those on a free version and wanting access for audits/inspections we can give you full functionality for that period for the monthly fee.  This means you can have full functionality to invite inspectors/auditors for a month then cancel.

Pay as you go for further setup/coaching at $85/hr +GST

Unlimited inductions

Unlimited "manager" users

Unlimited "staff" users

Price per farm

SKU: 10003-1 TAGS: subscription, special

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